
Desmond flashes before your eyes
Desmond flashes before your eyes

desmond flashes before your eyes

Dezmond when he tells Jack that he is gonna run as far away as he can, after jack catches up to him in the jungle. Dezmond at the computer trying to enter the numbers, when it fries on him and he thinks they are screwed. Dezmond giving himself the injection before he leaves the hatch. Dezmond looking at I think the list of number entries from the Pearl Hatch. In case anyone was wondering the flashes that Dezzi see's are: Dezmond behind Locke with gun Looking at Jack From the second season opening. the last lyric he sings is "we can be saved" and then, in this episode, he was singing oasis's wonderwall (good song, btw) and the lyric is "maybe you're gonna be the one who saves me" just thought id mention that not-so-little tidbit.

desmond flashes before your eyes

and in the episode 'fire and water', he is in his flat with liam and is writing a song. think of how many instances that charlie could have died in: - a plane crash (duhh) - the cart in the plane that he dodges away from but almost crushes him - the cart in the HATCH that he dodges away from but almost crushes him - the explosion that eko initiates in the hatch - when ethan hangs him from a tree - a bad heroin trip ? - when they first crash - he's super high, and a giant piece of flaming metal almost crushes him but ends up behind him instead - the monster, as seen in the 23rd psalm - maybe hte wild boar, when locke uses him for bait there are also a lot of times where charlie is referenced to being saved. i saw an interesting topic at the fuselage and decided to elaborate. See you all in a bit to discuss.ĪLRIGHT YALL, HERE IT GOES. Finally someone to start at besides Kate! Anyway, a little food for thought. For all the fellas, damn Penelope is hot, and so is Claire. Isn't the admiral a character from 20,000 Leagues under the sea? And wasn't someone on the island reading that book? I would love to hear bookpolice's thoughts on the imagery between LOST and the book since I haven't read it in 15 years. Admiral McCutcheon - I know our boy thebookpolice will be able to shed some light and will be all over this one. And after all, you're my wonderwall." Can Desmond actually save Charlie? Maybe? 2. Lyrics: "I say maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me. Released in 1995, so it wasn't for dating purposes. And choosing so carefully." Wonderwall, By Oasis was the song Charlie was singing. The lyrics could also be telling: "Yah your work is, building a mystery. Thanks to my girlfriend for dragging me to a few of her concerts in Utah. The music playing was Sarah McLaughlin, Building a Mystery. If they were using music to date time, the flashback could have occurred as early as 1997. Sometimes to date the flashbacks, and sometimes to speak to the mystery of the island. Usually the music the producers use in the show have meaning. Just finished watching for the first time.

Desmond flashes before your eyes